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Murmur: Open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software.


  • murmur_docker_image: Name for the service docker image.
  • murmur_domain: Domain/subdomain for the service.
  • murmur_port: (Default: 64738) Port on the host to bind the service to.
  • murmur_directory:
  • conf: Path on the host for configuration files.
  • data: Path on the host for persistent data.
  • log: Path on the host for logss.

Ports (by default)

  • 64738/tcp for the client connections.


Murmur is configured via Mumble Client.

  1. Connect to your server.

  2. Enable Advanced options in Config > Settings in the lower left corner.

  3. Apply changes, close and right click on your user. Register yourself.

  4. Disconnect from the server and reconnect with SuperUser as user and its password.

  5. The password is generated on the server creation. You can see it on the logs or recreate it by deleting the database and restarting the service.

  6. Now, as SuperUser you can create permanent channels, sub-channels and edit ACLs.

  7. Once you finish, disconnect and reconnect as your normal user.

Last update: 2020-08-19